Thursday, May 27, 2010

Picture of the Week 5-24-10


Many of you have been wondering what happened to the POTW last week. Judging from the emails I got, some people were concerned, asking, "Was I taken off the list?", or, "Did something happen?". The majority just asked, "Where's my *@#% POTW, you lousy #&@*%!?" That, and, "I know where you live, #$@%&!".

Suffice it to say, I can't tell you where it is or what transpired. I have been sworn to absolute secrecy. (as if aliens could discerne a 'Promise' from a hole in the ground) But, since they were nice enough to let me fly their little saucer thingy, I won't reveal anything about that. Except to say, I'll pay for the mailboxes I knocked down, and sorry about the crop circles that turned out to be rather rude. (It was my first time, for crying out loud)

I want to assure you the aliens won't be back anytime soon. I sent them on their way well stocked with liquor and Ding Dongs left over from a previous scientific study. That, and a bad taste in their mouth, so to speak, for our benevolent species. They think we all taste like that old Fruitcake I had been using as a TV stand since 1983. (until the TV finally crapped out)

This week I am pleased to announce the opening of a blog this site for the POTW. Here you can publicly renounce anything I say, and post general threats and lies about whatever you want. Since this is a work in progress, it may take some time for it to become totally "Stalker Friendly", so be patient.Oh, yes, the link. If this link doesn't work, just copy and paste it into your web bowser. Bow Wow.

This week's POTW is a grill full of Steaks. If you can almost hear them sizzling, then you're probably drooling on your keyboard. Use a napkin when viewing.

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