Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Beautification of Mr. Martinez

Here is some trivia you can use. In 2006 the Margarita passed the Martini (literally & figuratively) as the most widely ordered drink in the country. Americans drink on average 185,000 Margaritas an HOUR! Personally I always stop at 129,000 Margaritas an hour because I like to pace myself. Don't want to overdo it. Is it no wonder the rest of the world thinks we're a bunch of lushes. And we have a Dallas gentleman to thank for that- Mariano Martinez, the inventor of the Margarita machine. I hope you will join me in calling for the Beatification of Mr. Martinez, the Patron Saint of Patron. And Herradura. And Cuervo. And Price-Cutter Tequila. And for eventual Sainthood to the savior of the drinking industry. Just write to the Pope and say "Hell yeah, old Martinez ought to be a damn saint! He saved my favorite bar."

photography by Mark Davis
Cake by Dallas Affairs

H A P P Y ~ B I R T H D A Y! (video)
This week's POTW is my mom's birthday cake. She just reached the big eight oh, and we had a big party for her. It wasn't a surprise party. We felt it was important for her to know in advance since she had to cook for everyone. And clean up. And valet park the cars. The theme was "80 at 80" because we invited 80 of our friends. Everyone had fun even though the service was kind of slow. We may hire a busboy to help her next year for the "81 at 81" party we're planning.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dallas' New Favorite Color....Yellow!

It's now official- Dallas' new favorite color is Yellow, as in the Packers and the Steelers. Two Blue collar cities that are going to paint the town Red by dropping a lot of Green and putting a bunch of folks back in the Black. Even the Gray areas will see the Gold, like the guy who is renting out Orange traffic cones so fast his Pink face has turned Purple. So we're all wearing a big smile, showing those pearly Whites to our guests from the cold north, offering them the warmest of greetings (and temperatures) at ridiculously inflated prices.

There is one thing I'm perplexed about. According to the media, we should expect nearly 10,000 "Working Girls" to come in for the Super Bowl. Seriously, just how did THEY get tickets to the big game?

This week's POTW- the embossed menu cover from Blue Plate restaurant.

Do not operate heavy machinery or drive while viewing the POTW. It is a violation of Federal Law to use the POTW in a manner not prescribed.

Mark Davis